Friday, October 24, 2008

education- a race!:(

when a child is born,his parents have a lot of expectations about who he should be tommorow. the years to come then becomes a race for them to fulfill their dreams. as the child grows older, he develops his own individuality and unravels his area of interest. he then tries to build a career in his field. sometimes parents agree to this and somethimes they dont. the result- unsatisfied children.
by Gods grace, i have parents who never enforce their choices on me. i was always given the choice to choose how my life should be. after much thought, i concluded that my field is something related to entrepreneurship. thats how i decieded to take an MBA.
but one cannot walk into a college just like that. you have to write the entrance exam. for that, you have to get the form. an all india entrance examination like MAT will have lakhs of students applying for it. and these very 'efficient managers' send thirty forms a day which is given on a first come first serve basis. and the whole of ernakulam has just one center- one branch of the bank of baroda office. and worse, just one form is given to one person!
if these organisers dont know the basics of managements, what right do they have to conduct a management exam?
education is and always will be a race for parents and children. but it would have been so much better if the system was more organised and user friendly!anyways, lets hope for a better tommorow. thats the least we can do!


Destiny's child... said...

hey the form thingy has really got to u? hihi...well, i can understand how unnerving it is...never mind sure u will get that form n even ur admission pretty easily..keep trying...:)
n yes,...abt changing the system..or rather expecting them to change...hmm....ur guess is as good as mine...;)

Unknown said...

da.. v cn actually gt d form by sendin a dd. :)
got d address.. will let ya kno.. bt v hv 2 pay 790... dats it..
dis isbetta option i guess..

naddy said...

well....lucky u tht u get 2 take up the courses of ya choice...
but planning to be an entrepreneur n then simply complaining about the system doesn't go well together!!!
take up the initiative...plan n act about the possible means of making it perfect or changing it if required!! :) Hoping doesn't change anything....
no hard feelings meant...jus ma thoughts!! ;)

remu said...

wel said naddy...thankyou.but sometimes it helpes to express our feelings.thats what the press does right?

naddy said...

well...expressing wont hurt sorry if i had a wrong interpretation..!! :)
so ill be waiting 2 c a change happening frm ur initiatives!!! u hav a good attitude....jus sharpen it...!! good blogging :)